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Basic Facts

Luxembourg overview

EU member country Euro currency Attractive tax system Double taxation agreements with 84 countries Business friendly environment Advanced infrastructure High quality of life French, German, English speaking

Top 3

Reasons For Doing Business In Luxembourg

Advantageous tax system for holding and financing companies

Top Jurisdiction For Investment Funds Set up and Management

Attractive BEPS compliant royalty regime

More advantages​

  • Leading financial centre in Europe,
  • Sophisticated Family Asset Protection Regime, 
  • Fifth wealthiest country in the world (GDP per capita).

Company Formation In Luxembourg

Do you need to establish and administer a company in Luxembourg?

Do you look for a safe place to set up your family asset company?

Do you need to structure your investment fund in a correct way? 

Are you interested in becoming a resident in Luxembourg?

Do you know what you actually need in Luxembourg?

We are ready to help you find the right answers and workable solutions.

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Corporate Tax in Luxembourg

Luxembourg’s tax system distinguishes between corporate residents and non-residents. While corporate residents are required to pay taxes on their worldwide income, corporate non-residents are only taxed on their Luxembourg source of income, i.e. income originating within Luxembourg’s borders.