Welcome in new Dubai – residence visa demand is soaring

Strategic location of Dubai, in the middle between Europe, Africa and Asia and excellent conditions for doing business have created in recent years from Dubai the brand on its own.

Strategic location of Dubai, in the middle between Europe, Africa and Asia and excellent conditions for doing business have created in recent years from Dubai the brand on its own.   

However, 2020 with COVID-19 pandemic changed the world and also Dubai. Nowadays, in addition to its business attractiveness, there are also health reasons, i.e. its good healthcare system, for doing business and living in Dubai.

With run-in PCR testing when entering the country, elaborated antipandemic measures and discipline of its residents and visitors, Dubai has become the safe haven in these turbulent and challenging times and witnessing increased numbers of residence applications. 

The unique feature of UAE visas is that the resident investor visa is available when setting up a free zone or mainland company, and such visa are without a requirement for substantial investment as it is often the case in other countries offering residency.

On March 21, the UAE Cabinet approved 2 new visas. Let’s check here.

Please contact us 24/7 for comprehensive information about setting up your company in UAE and getting the visa for you and your family. 

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